Monday, May 28, 2012

Adolescence - Know the Milestones of Your teenage

Phd Education - Adolescence - Know the Milestones of Your teenage
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Do you know about - Adolescence - Know the Milestones of Your teenage

Phd Education! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Adolescence is the developmental phase in the middle of childhood and adulthood characterized by rapid changes in physical, psychosocial, moral, and cognitive growth. There are 3 stages of adolescence: early (11-13 years), mid (14-16 years), and late (>17 years). Each of these stages differs in respect to the developmental milestones your youthful needs to achieve. Everyone is different, and not every child reaches unavoidable stages at the same time as other kids. The most leading thing is to be supportive of your youthful and show patience within wholesome boundaries and rules.

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How is Adolescence - Know the Milestones of Your teenage

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Phd Education.

Consider these developmental milestones when interacting with your adolescent:


In early adolescence, children want to break away from their parents. They prefer to spend time with friends than family. In mid adolescence, children are ambiguous about the separation, but by late adolescence your child should determine these issues.

Body Image

In early adolescence, your child adjusts to pubescent changes. In mid adolescence, children "try on" different images to find their real self. By late adolescence, your child should form a satisfying body image.


In early adolescence, children hang colse to unisex friends. In mid adolescence your child will spend more time in a heterosexual peer group. By late adolescence, expect that individual relationships will become more leading to your child than the peer group.

Career Plans

In early and mid adolescence, career plans are vague. As your child enters late adolescence, specific goals and steps to implement these goals are gift in your child's mind.

Value System

Your early youthful will test your moral system. Mid adolescents are self-centered. Late adolescents have a rigid thought of right and wrong, and are other-oriented.

Sexual Drives

Early adolescents are sexually curious, and by mid adolescence they may begin sexual experimentation. In late adolescence, however, they begin intimacy and caring.

At the onset of puberty, your youthful will begin to need privacy. This can be ended by allowing your teen to have his/her own room. If you cannot contribute this, your teen should have his/her own section of a room where they cannot be disturbed.

Be ready for your youthful to profess their independence. Your youthful has an proper psychological need to separate from you and form his/her own identity as an individual. For most adolescents, it is ended quietly through the media of clothes, hair, jewelry, music, and the increased significance of close friends. As adolescents separate from parents, they need the retain of their peer group for a safe psychological security (supportive structure) in which to grow covering of family. But that does not mean that your youthful does not need you anymore. They need you more than you think, so express your concerns for them (without embarrassing them in front of their friends!).

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