Tuesday, May 22, 2012

choosing The Veggie choice

Doctor Of Education - choosing The Veggie choice
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Do you know about - choosing The Veggie choice

Doctor Of Education! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Have you been pondering becoming a vegetarian? Maybe you find yourself subconsciously eating less meat in your daily diet. It's seems to be a common theme that comes up amongst my clients and friends.

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How is choosing The Veggie choice

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Doctor Of Education.

For many it evolves from feeling slightly uneasy about the way our food is reared and treated before it becomes dinner. For some, (like my husband) it's due to their partner taking the veggie option, so less meat gets included at meal times.

I've been vegetarian since I was 16. It was an easy decision for me. I never liked being reminded that the food on my plate was once leaping round fields. The clincher came when I was home from school one day and saw a Tv programme about an abattoir. From that day on I hung up the steak knife and 'turned' into veggie Vera.

Looking back it forced me to learn how to cook, and get in touch with food. I didn't want my mum to have to put in order things especially for me, so I brought books, and played in the kitchen to generate meals for myself and my family. Although my Dad always used to refuse to eat 'weird veggie food' I made, he is assuredly a meat eater!

There is no doubt that while our closest relative is the fruit eating chimp, 6 million years of evolution have bred humans into meat eaters.

Passionate vegetarians will tell you that our bodies are not designed to eat meat. Our digestive law resembles that of the herbivores and the frugivores (fruit eaters). Also, we have a lower stomach acid due to our need to dispell mostly plant based foods, whereas carnivores have a stomach acid concentration ten times greater to enable them to swiftly dispell the meat.

Staunch paleos will argue the opposite, that meat consumption aided the evolution of the large human brain, that fossils prove we actively hunted meat for food, and that if we were meant to eat a plant based diet we would have been qualified with the many stomachs of a cow!

To be vegetarian is, therefore, another evolutionary miracle of our developing brains, it is a lifestyle choice. We can now pick to have a meat free diet in a world that provides many alternatives to ensure we are left deficient in proteins and nutrients. Back in our hunting days, food options would have been minuscule and the tribe would have hunted to survive. We would have hardly been able to pop to the shops for some falafel if wooly astronomical were not to our taste!

I pick to live meat free not because of what we are or aren't suppose to be, but because on a conscious level I cannot bring myself to eat another living creature for my survival, nor do I need to. Pop me into the bush to fend for myself for 6 months, and I have no doubt the survival instinct would kick in at last and I'd find myself belly down on the river bank tickling trout and chasing down wild pigs!

The main issue many citizen have with being vegetarian is the confidence there will be a lack of protein or nutrients in their diets. There is also the worry about it being hard work and that it becomes difficult to be social. Will friends stop tantalizing you for dinner as you are to hard to cook for?

The lack of protein is a myth and just needs a minuscule study and research. If you are a fish eating veggie then you have way more options than others like. I assuredly don't worry too much about weighing out my protein. I tend to look at my plate and ensure I always have protein within the meal I'm eating. Adding nuts and seeds, using eggs and cheeses, enjoying legumes a plenty and when I'm doing lots of sporting activities, I up the anti with a good sourced pea or hemp protein. Protein teamed with good fats are an requisite part of cell building and muscle rescue so if you are doing any form of sport or are pregnant, you need to ensure you are eating adequate to fix and recover and grow new life.

Iron is of procedure another concern, but again wrongly. Study shows that iron insufficiency is no higher in vegetarians than it is in the general population. A well balanced vegetarian diet contains manly iron rich foods. Good sources include legumes, whole grains (including wholemeal bread), wheat germ, oatmeal, green leafy vegetables, peas, broccoli, potatoes, nuts, seeds, peaches and dried fruit. If you are worried about this, then a good capability supplement will normally do the trick and always talk to your physician or Naturopath about being tested for iron deficiency.

The main presuppose most vegetarians opt to say 'no thank you' to meat is the way our food is reared. Big company farming sees animals unable to roam free, and eating unnatural diets to fatten them up for market. They can be pumped full of increase hormone to bulk them out for market, and in turn they get sick and are pumped full of antibiotics to keep them 'well'. They are often fed on diets that include products grown with the use of fertilisers and pesticides. What we see on our supermarket shelves is the meat from unhappy, badly fed, sick, drugged up animals. We are assuredly what they eat. How unhealthy they are when alive will be ingested directly into our bodies when we cook their flesh.

Other than rearing and killing your food yourself (not likely in our inner cities!), selecting organic meats is one way to ensure that you know your meat comes from humanly treated animals fed on natural chemical free diets.

I know many vegetarians that will head off on fishing trips and will eat their catch of the day. Also, there are vegetarians who will occasionally eat meat if they know and trust the source. Getting to know your local butcher and talking to them about where their meat comes from is the excellent way to ensure you are fully aware of what you are eating.

At the end of the day, it's your choice to take the veggie option. From a personal perspective, I've never felt healthier, never felt a need to go back to eating meat and am happy that my body performs as I need it to when contentious in my choice of sport.

If you're mental about turning vegetarian then you are half way there and are probably already cutting down on your meat intake. Take the leap and try it for 6 months and see how you feel. If you want to occasionally enjoy meat then make the conscious decision to ensure it's from a trusted organic source and that the animals that provide you life giving food, live the best life they can before they hit your plate!

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