Sunday, May 20, 2012

Higher Standards For Nurses

Phd Education - Higher Standards For Nurses
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Do you know about - Higher Standards For Nurses

Phd Education! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

President Barack Obama described them as "the bedrock" of health care. There's been talk for some time of requiring registered nurses to have Bachelor's degrees at minimum. Some groups also say that the schooling of nurses shouldn't end with the Doctorate degree and should include a greater emphasis on research, which can be a hallmark of PhD degrees.

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How is Higher Standards For Nurses

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Phd Education.

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, for one, has suggested a nursing schooling overhaul. The foundation sees these changes not only as a means of helping to fill a nursing shortage but also to good prepare nurses for changes in the practice, its settings and the science and technology that their positions might require. Depending upon the vocation path that nurses with PhD degrees choose, they might earn anywhere from around ,000 to nearly 0,000 a year, agreeing to some estimates.

Dr. Carole A. Anderson is Vice Provost for scholastic administration at a university in Ohio. She wrote in an American association of Colleges of Nursing publication, The Nursing School Adviser, about the need particularly for nurses with Doctorate degrees and PhD degrees. With doctorate degrees, she notes, nurses can help fill a shortage of nurse educators and help come up with ways to conduct chronic illnesses.

A nurse instructor shortage has been blamed in part for nursing schools having to turn away tens of thousands of fine applicants seeking to fill an improbable shortage of registered nurses. In expanding to education, however, PhD degrees in nursing can help men and women land careers in clinical research, health administration and developed clinical practice, Anderson writes. Nurses who carry out investigate as part of their Doctorate degrees might survey areas such as eating disorders and diabetes, perhaps even come up with cancer treatments that supply fewer side effects than those related with treatments like chemotherapy, agreeing to Anderson.

Registered nurses interested in pursuing Doctorate degrees do have more of them from which to choose than they had in the past, agreeing to Anderson. Enrollments, however, have remained fairly stagnant, she contends.

The American association of Colleges of Nursing in December released introductory enrollment information for nursing programs at the Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degree levels. This information showed that, as Doctorate degrees go, physician of Nursing practice programs particularly enjoyed the many enrollment increases - 25.6 percent - between 2009 to 2010. Enrollments in research-focused Doctorate degree programs, on the other hand, increased by only 4.5 percent.

Anderson suggests that the shortage of nurses with PhD and Doctorate degrees has to do with the fact that many nurses might have more interruptions in their careers than other professionals do. She suggests also that a clinical touch prerequisite to graduate degrees can hinder enrollments and that colleges and universities are now working to accept students into Doctorate degree programs right after they perfect their undergraduate or Master's degree training.

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