Monday, June 25, 2012

The Dangers of Childhood Obesity

Phd Education - The Dangers of Childhood Obesity
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Do you know about - The Dangers of Childhood Obesity

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The Dangers of Childhood Obesity

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How is The Dangers of Childhood Obesity

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Phd Education.

It's hard to open a newspaper or turn on the Tv news these days without
seeing an item about how unhealthy our kids are. The percentage of
children who are seriously overweight, going on obese, has soared in
every western country in the last few years. And in every country where
income per head has risen significantly in that time, it's a major

Should we care about childhood obesity?

The amount one presuppose to think that we should care if our children
are overweight, and try to change the situation, is that an obese
child has a 70% greater risk of becoming an overweight adult,and the
risk is closer to 80% if one parent is obese. Other corporal dangers
Type Ii diabetes Heart disease Joint problems -- overweight people are more likely to get defects in load-bearing limbs Raised blood pressure and cholesterol Sleep disruption Breathing problems
But the dangers are not just to corporal health. I bet you can
remember a fat child in your class at school, and how much the poor kid
was teased. And even now, with more overweight children around, there
are still some serious psychological dangers with childhood obesity:
Depression Low self-esteem Lack of self-confidence, which sometimes shows as apparent over- confidence -- it's all too easy for an overweight child to come to be the self-selected class jester, hiding their hurt behind a mask of buffoonery.
Signs that a child is obese or at risk

Physical measurements are, of course, a good guide. From your child's
weight, height and age, you can part the Body Mass Index(Bmi), and
use published charts to check either this is within the general range.
But other factors come into play as well, especially in preventing
obesity in the first place:
Family history of obesity -- which often means that the whole family eats the wrong food and takes too dinky exercise, thus putting at risk children who are not yet obese Unusual self-consciousness when undressed, possibly in a swimming pool or public showers Too much sitting about in front of the Tv, computer or video games, with dinky or no corporal activity High sugar intake, especially in sweets and candy and rich cakes -- this is of course hard to combat in a community in which practically all processed food contains added sugar Eating very dinky fruit and few vegetables -- well, not many kids like their greens, but if they also push away the fruit bowl they are of course at risk, not just of obesity but of all kinds of corporal problems Snacking all the time in the middle of meals, partly because this makes it less likely that the child will eat nourishing meals at the regular times, but also because practically all snacks are high in fat and carbohydrate (often in the form of sugar) and low in protein
How Can We Help Our Children To Be Healthy?

That's the branch of a book all by itself, and of course I'd advise
reading Kris Kerr's book
Childhood Obesity: how to forestall it, how to deal with it []
to find out more both about the ways to see if your child is at risk and how to
deal with the problem. The areas you most need to worry about are:
Diet -- eating good, nutritious foods, avoiding eating unhealthy food, a sensible eating regime Exercise, and how to get your family to take enough! Self-belief and self-confidence -- how to deal with the low self-esteem of many children who are already overweight, especially while you try to get their weight down and their rehearsal levels up
In the book, you'll find a ton of ideas to help you solve these
problems, and where to get pro help if you need it. It's worth
it to have healthy, happy children!

But don't delay. Every day you wait to get started is someone else day
of danger for your kids. You owe it to them -- start Now to combat
childhood obesity and give your kids the future they deserve.

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